Thursday, June 28, 2012

Top 10 Reasons To Visit Ireland

Ireland has over 80 million diaspora worldwide.  We can’t go anywhere without hearing “Oh my God!  I’M Irish too,” followed closely by, “I’ve always wanted to go to Ireland but I never have”.  Recently, I’ve managed to convince some people I’ve met abroad to come to the famed Emerald Isle, and now I want to provide you with some of what I believe to be the best reasons to come visit my native land.

10.  National Leprechaun Museum (Músaem Náisiúnta na Leipreacháin)

Yes, you read that correctly.  In Dublin City centre, we have a museum devoted entirely to leprechauns.  Being a self-respecting Irishman myself, I have, of course, never been to this establishment, and was mortified when I read it was opening.  But we’re all tourists somewhere, and the same way I’m sure every New Yorker sighs each time an out-of-town visitor asks to go see Central Park, The Statue of Liberty, The Empire State Building, etc., I know that this is a huge attraction for North Americans of Irish heritage.  Featuring pots o’ gold and rooms filled with giant furniture to make you feel like a leprechaun, it would be a shame to travel to Ireland and not stop in.  At least ironically.

9.  Gaeltachts (Irish-Speaking Areas)

Some people think we only speak English in Ireland.  Others think we don’t speak English at all.  Some think our language is called “Gaelic” (it’s not, nor is Gaelic any one language at all).  One person I met even thought that, by saying I can speak Irish, I meant that I speak English with an Irish accent.
The truth is, for the majority of us, English is our first language.  But over a quarter of the population is fluent in Irish, and Gaeltachts are designated areas, protected by the Government, that live life through Irish on a day-to-day basis.  These are mostly on the west coast, as this was where Irish families were forced when Cromwell invaded from Britain.  The reason I have the English in parentheses is because nobody refers to them by anything other than “Gaeltacht”.
For an example of the Irish Language (called Gaeilge), watch this weather report.
And here are some written pronunciations to give you an idea of how unlike English it really is:
Glendalough (“Glen da lock”)
Ranelagh (“Wren a la”)
Dun Laoghaire (“Done Leary”)
Saibhne ó Gríobhthá (“Sev nah Oh Gree Oh Faw”)

8.  The Skellig Islands (Na Scealaga)

The Skellig Islands are two small Islands off the coast of Country Kerry, in the Southwest of Ireland.  The islands are famous for a number of reasons, one of which is that they are extremely steep and jagged.  The islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean, meaning the water can be extremely unstable.  For this reason, the islands are only accessible when the water is calm, usually in the summer period of the year, as any boats attempting to dock in the rough water could be rising and falling as much as 30 feet.
The larger island, Great Skellig, is home to a 6th century monastery, with many of the buildings having the iconic look of resembling stone igloos.  The islands are also known for the wide range of birds that can be found here, as well as seals, sharks, whales and dolphins that live in the water.

7.  Newgrange (Sí an Bhrú)

One of the things that irks me most about Irish tourism is how much less well-known Newgrange is than Stonehenge.  Newgrange is far more impressive architecturally, aesthetically & functionally.  The site was built around 3200 BC, making it older than not only Stonehenge, but also every one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.  When built, Newgrange was used for many reasons, including storage, burial, and (albeit disputed) religious ceremonies.
But its most important & famous use is that the site was designed and built in such a way that, on the day of the winter solstice, the sun shines through a small opening above the entrance, and reflects off a number of quartzite passages, which illuminates the whole chamber.  This is when the days of the year start to get longer, and would let the people know that it is time to start a new harvest year.  This feat is simulated for tourists throughout the year.  Newgrange was lost for about 4,000 years, and rediscovered in the 17th century.

6.  Guinness Storehouse (Stóras Guinness)

Most of you will be familiar with Guinness.  It’s the most famous Irish drink, and we’re recognised for both it, and its record book, the world over.  But here are a few things most of you probably don’t know about our native stout, and the story surrounding it.  It was first made in 1759, making it 253 years old.  In 2009, the Guinness corporation celebrated the first “Arthur’s Day”, to commemorate Arthur Guinness.  The holiday quickly caught on, with the tradition being to raise your pint at 17:59 on September 23rd, and toast “To Arthur”.
But one of the most unique things about the Guinness storehouse is that Arthur Guinness leased the site for 9,000 years, for a moderate fee of £45.  Another thing most people don’t know, which can be very annoying for Irish people ordering the drink abroad, is that the drink is supposed to be poured from tap until the glass is 3/4s full, left to settle, and then topped up off.   The storehouse itself is a great place to tour, taking you around and showing you how the drink is made, finishing with a trip to a circular bar with a 360° of Dublin City, where you pour your own pint.

5.  Giants Causeway (Clochán na bh Fomhórach)

Although this is located in Northern Ireland, which is currently a separate country and part of the United Kingdom, it is still on the Island of Ireland, and is a part of Native Irish folklore.  The Giants Causeway is another one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Ireland.  It’s an incredible area created by a volcanic eruption where the lava cooled almost instantly, leaving about 40,000, mostly hexagonal, columns.  The area derives its name from an old Irish legend, in which a warrior named Fionn MacCumhaill built the columns so that giants could step over to Scotland without getting their feet wet, presumably because they had just bought new shoes or something.  But I’m pretty sure it was really the volcano thing.

4.  Book of Kells (Leabhar Cheanannais)

This book was written around the year 800, and is a Latin manuscript containing the Gospels of the New Testament, as well as a large amount of artwork.  This is one of the most famous historical artifacts in Ireland because of the extremely elaborate and artistic calligraphy.  Like most manuscripts from that era, the book is written on vellum (calf skin), and was written by monks.  Its most iconic feature is that the first letter of each page is the biggest and most elaborate on that page, taking up a large chunk of the top left.  And of course, life being as cruel as it is, one of the monks once started a new page and, upon finishing the elaborate first letter (which could take days), realised he’d done the wrong one.
The Book is housed in Trinity College, Ireland’s oldest University, and (obviously) kept in protective casing.  However, they only turn one page per day out of the 340 remaining, so if you want to see the whole thing, you’ll have to move here for about a year.

3.  Connemara (Conamara)

Connemara is another area on the coast of the Atlantic, although the region itself is not properly defined.  The location is world-famous for its marble, although that’s not why I’m including it in this list (seriously, Ireland’s not THAT boring).  No, the reason I’ve included Connemara in my top ten is because it’s one of the best places to go in the country if you’re looking to hike or take part in watersports.  There are plenty of lakes and rivers that are among the most popular places to fish, kayak, etc., and the landscape is one of the most beautiful in the country.  The landscape is so famous, that part of one of Jupiter’s moons (Europa) is named after it.

2.  Oxegen

Although not taking place this year, Oxegen is an annual music festival that takes place every summer.  Now I know every country has its music festivals but, since starting up in 2004, Oxegen has shot its way up to being widely regarded as one of the best music festivals in the world.  In 2011, it won Best Line-Up at the European Festival Awards.  More than 80,000 people attend Oxegen, and the line-up frequently includes a wide variety of acts, with artists such as Beyoncé, Muse, Eminem, Black Eyed Peas, David Guetta, The Who, and many more.
The general philosophy taken towards Oxegen is to buy the cheapest, most outrageous clothes you can find, stock up on alcohol, spend three days drunk and listening to your favourite artists, then leave with very little, and no parental-friendly, photographic evidence.  Oxegen returns in July 2013.

1.  Cliffs of Moher (Aillte an Mhothair)

The cliffs of Moher are listed as one of the seven natural wonders of Ireland, and are a protected Geo park. Peaking at over 700 feet tall, the cliffs range for about 8 kilometers (roughly 5 miles).  The cliffs are famous not only for their height, but also for the extreme weather it experiences, brought in by the Atlantic.
Many of you will actually have seen an example of this already.  The cliffs are featured in Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince, in the scene where Dumbledore and Harry go to the cave where Voldemort has hidden the locket.  Because of the weather, the ten-second shot took three weeks to film.  Watch the scene, and you can see why this is such a tourist hotspot and, scarily enough, one of the most popular places in the country to surf.

Top 10 Reasons Gingers Are Your Worst Nightmare

OK, that’s enough; the jokes are over.  For too long, my brethren and I have sat idly by, while you and your stupid little buddies mock us.  “Gingers. BAH,” you spit with disgust.  ”They have no souls.  They can’t walk in the daytime.  They’ll steal people’s children in the night.  They’re like pale Pokemon: gotta kick ‘em all!”
For awhile, we put up with it.  Jokes, right?  Nothing wrong with that.  Hell, joking is one of the ways I make my money.  But, after years of this, it’s time to come right out and let you all know: you have kicked a giant hornet’s nest.  Us gingers?  We’re actually your worst nightmare.  Not in the steal-your-babies kind of way, either.  No, we’re just plotting to take over the entire planet, like Pinky and The Brain wanted to but never could.
Don’t believe me?  Too bad, your loss.  But in case you DO want evidence, observe:

10.  We Stand United

Are you aware that an entire festival exists, devoted entirely to us?  It’s called Redheadday, and it’s just what it sounds like.  Thousands upon thousands of gingers flock to one area in the Netherlands and plot your demise.  Also, we eat a lot of meat and drink a lot of booze because, while we may be coming together to end you all, it’s still a funtime festival where you gotta get fat and blitzed.
Also, it happens every year.  And the numbers grows and grows each time.  Redheadday 2012 is scheduled to take place in September, with several thousand projected attendees.  The Mayan calendar says the world will end in December.  The obvious conclusion; we’re giving you all a slight head start before we unleash Hell.
Learn More About The Gathering Grounds

9.  We Will Steal Your Men

It’s no secret that ginger women are regularly ogled, despite supposedly being evil soulless rangas.  The stereotype is a nice one: our women are absolute firecrackers in bed and once you go red, all other girls might as well be dead.  Case in point?  Google some pictures of Tori Amos from the early-to-mid 90’s and tell me that is not your fantasy incarnate.  Hell, even now she’s better than whoever’s currently #1 on your lame Hot Babes list.
Another case in point?  Lindsay Lohan was once a redhead, and was universally deemed to be absolutely smoking hot.  She goes blonde, and magically turns into a crack-addled psychopath who looks about 30 years older than she really is.  She is not yet actually 30, by the way.
So the sexy redhead thing is true, you ask?  Well, yes.  Please don’t resist.  The more that you guys realize this, the more our girls can seep into your bedrooms and latch onto your men like blood-sucking parasites.

8.  We Will Also Steal Your Women

Us ginger guys usually get the crap end of the stick here.  While ginger girls are hot, gingers guys are Alfred E. Newman from MAD Magazine: pale, freckly-faced little demons that often look like they weren’t fully cooked prior to being born.
Well, that’s about to change.  Dedicated soldiers like Conan O’Brien, Seth Green, and that Anakin Skywalker-looking hunk up above (who may or may not be me), have been infiltrating the mind of your women for decades now, and the ladies are finally realizing that, yes, redheaded guys are a fetish worth exploring.  We’re quirky, we’re funny, and we are every bit as firecracker-y (for lack of a better, actual, word) in the bedroom as our female brethren.
The word is out and it can’t be silenced.  Blondes have more fun?  Sure, WITH THEMSELVES.

7.  We’re Endangered And Desperate

Our backs are kind of against the wall in a couple respects.  For one thing, we’re endangered.  A mere 2% of the population are redheads, and the number may well be dwindling.  We must procreate, we must spread the seed, we must live on!  And if that means enslaving all of you, and working extra hard to make more of us, then so be it.
Keep in mind, it’s not like a Gattaca-style machine exists, where we can tell our body what we want our baby to look like.  And we’re fully aware our gene is recessive, so not every offspring is going to be a blessed redhead.  No, we’ll just have to try and try again, until we at least make it up to 5%.  After that, we’ll take an inventory and see how much enslaving still needs to be done.

6.  We Can Hulk Up At Any Time

We may or may not require extensive medication to pull this off.

5.  The Temper Thing Is Real

Here’s yet one more reason to not mess with us: everything you’ve heard about the redhead temper?  It’s true.  It’s DAMN true.  We don’t take a lot of crap lying down and, if we’re going to invade your towns and take over, we’re going to do it with the ferocity of 100,000 rabid wolverines, crossed with another 100,000 honey badgers.
It’s not always the best trait to have, to be sure.  If we don’t keep our temper in check while living our everyday lives, then we’re probably going to screw ourselves out of at least one job opportunity, and more than a few relationships.  Luckily, the GingerVasion isn’t about building relationships or keeping a job.  So consider this your warning: go down to your nearest comic book store, find an issue of Red Hulk, study it, and weep for your future.

4.  We Can Fight FOREVER

So you want to rumble?  Tired of us enslaving your people and taking your lovers for our own?  Good luck.  Even those of us who haven’t used extensive medication to get big ol’ muscly arms are going to put up a fight.  And even if you get lucky and hit us, it’s gonna be real hard to keep us down.  Extensive scientific research has shown redheads are actually much harder to knock out than people who can actually tan.  This applies in all cases: doctors oftentimes use more anesthetic to knock us out prior to surgery, and we rarely get knocked unconscious.
I can attest to this based on personal experience.  During my entire time at college, where I had my share of drinking binges (one time I ate a whole damn bowl of Jell-O shots, unaware that you’re only supposed to eat two or three cubes at the most), and never once blacked out.  When I was six years old, I went in for surgery, and distinctly remember waking up in the middle of the operation.  Oh, they put me back down real fast.  But I distinctly remember those few seconds of being on the operating table, aware of what they were doing to me and my supple little body, and being less-than-thrilled about it.
So let that all sink, and then let me know if you STILL wanna fight.
Why Even Doctors Fear Us

3.  Everyone Wants To Be Us

As I mentioned earlier, 2% of us are natural redheads.  But at least 2% of you guys and girls are fake redheads.  Hair dye, of all colors, is popular, but there just seems to be something about taking a bucket of red paint and dunking your head in it that positively tickles the imagination of so many.  And, while you might think we’d be offended by so many people pretending to be us when they’re really not, it’s OK.  If you want to be a redhead, then that’s only one step away from SLEEPING with one.  Gotta find out how the other half lives.  Not that we’re even close to half of you or anything.  Yet.
This hair-dye thing applies to both men and women by the way.  You mainly see fake redheaded women, but dudes get into the act as well.  And that’s OK too.  The more people who get corrupted by their desire to be just like a real-live ginger, then the easier it becomes for us to attain our ultimate goal.

2.  We’re About To Snap

Back in 2005, South Park put out an entire episode dedicated to Cartman’s hatred of redheads.  Some of you people have taken this episode just a wee bit too seriously, taking on Cartman’s ramblings as your own.  Yes, we do have souls.  They might be filthy and polluted (OK fine, definitely are), but they’re still souls.  And why in the name of Hell would you listen to Cartman, of all people?  The whole point of the character is that he’s a bigoted little turd who deserves every bad thing that comes his way; hardly a role model for your outlook on life.
So yes, we’re all aware that you listened to a cartoon piece of construction paper and decided that he was right about people who have strawberry tint on their heads.  You don’t think this ridiculous bias irks us?  You don’t think it pisses us off when the biggest sperm bank on the planet stops accepting seed from redheads because nobody wants a redheaded baby?  You don’t think we’ll remember all this when we’re deciding all your fates?
And, for the record, when I say “all of your fates”, I mean you dummies who watch the show, and want to kick gingers because of it.  I mean the people who turn their noses up at the very idea of a ginger child.  The guys who write South Park and tell the jokes, they get it.  They know Cartman is satire.  They will be spared, unless of course they insist on making a sequel to BASEketball.  Then all bets are off.
South Park Is The Way, The Truth, And The Life
Sperm Bank Hates Customers

1.  We Will Steal All Your Sunscreen

This might initially seem like a random, moot point.  Between all the threats of takeover, slavery, and fistfights to the death, I‘m actually going to brag about SUNSCREEN?  Yes, yes I am.  Because in case you haven’t heard, the Earth is getting warmer.  Icecaps are melting, and the ozone layer is still thinning out.  Go to your local Wal-Mart and find the sunscreen?  See those bottles of SPF 110?  One hundred ten!  Who needs that much protection?  Well, all of you, at the rate this planet’s going.  Not that we care.
See, we’re used to this.  We’re naturally pale, and the sun is our mortal foe.  So from birth on, we’re used to being slathered in SPF 60/70/100/110, and oftentimes that’s STILL not enough.  So when the SP 150 and SPF 200 start becoming commonplace, while you sun worshipers scoff at the idea of anyone needing such a strong solar shield, we will silently horde it all for ourselves.  And when the Earth inches ever-so-closer to burning up, like a steak left far too long on the grill, you might well show up at the gates of Redheadday, on your knees, begging us for a slather of sweet, sweet, sun protection.

Top 10 Mental Disorders Of Cartoon Characters

Many seemingly innocent cartoon characters should count their lucky stars that they live in an animated, fictional universe.  Because, if they lived among us, and were judged the way you and I are, they would be in major trouble.  These characters have such glaring, and long-enduring, mental disorders, that there’s no way they could escape years of therapy, and possible institutionalization.

10.  Charlie Brown

I know that watching Charlie Brown at Christmas or Thanksgiving is a holiday tradition for many families, but personally, I could never get behind it.  I wanted to like Charlie Brown and his gang, but I just couldn’t do it.  To be honest, I just got so angry at that show, much more than anyone should, really.  Poor Charlie Brown never caught a break.  From the kite-eating tree, to his sports endeavors, to his many failed holiday celebrations, the world was out to get him.
And now, as if the world of vocally challenged adults wasn’t enough of an enemy, now it’s the real world’s turn.  In all of those therapy sessions with Lucy, I wonder if she ever thought to diagnose him with what we call avoidant personality disorder.
The causes of such a disorder are unknown but, like many mental health disorders, it’s a combination of our genetic code and the environment we are exposed to throughout our lives.  What we do know, however, is how it makes a person feel.  In Charlie Brown’s case, he is painfully shy, takes rejection very personally and, as such, often expresses his feelings of inadequacy.
But that’s not all, Charlie Brown.  Suffering from symptoms such as these can damage your social and work life, adding to your already unhealthy self-image.  Oh brother!

9.  Ariel

Who doesn’t love a Disney movie? All those innocent and simple characters cavorting around in their uncomplicated storylines are great companions when you give your brain a Disney vacation from your couch.  My personal favorite has always been tied between Ariel and Belle, although I guess Ariel came out on top.  Which character did I act out alongside?  Ariel.  When it was time for Halloween, who did I dress up as?  Ariel, while my unfortunate little brother was cast as Sebastian.
And who do I blame for the unhealthy hoarding habits I fight off each and every day?  My mother!  Wait, no, that’s not right.  My mother reads these.  What I meant to say was Ariel!  That’s right; as this melodious 16-year-old swam her way into our hearts, so did her mental health disorder: Disposophobia.
While neither hoarding, nor Disposophobia, are recognized in the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) as their own disorders, they are symptomatic of other disorders.  Hoarding behaviors are found in people affected by the Autism Spectrum (limited interests), many psychotic disorders, (delusional thoughts and behaviors), and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (obsessive hoarding).  However, it has been suggested as a revision to the DSM-V, scheduled to be published in May 2013, to include hoarding.
My favorite suggested definition is “persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions, regardless of their actual value.” Have you seen the stuff that Ariel collects? A fair amount of it can’t be used underwater (a candlestick?  A cork screw?)  In addition to the distress of accumulating items, in her case through glorified dumpster diving, there is a remarkable amount of distress when having to part with the hoarded items.  I can give her some slack, considering how ruthlessly her “collection” is destroyed, but isn’t running away from home and pretty much mutating your DNA to go live with some hunk an excessive reaction in some way?

8.  Bruce Banner

Bruce Banner was your typical comic book scientist in Marvelville, working for the good of mankind until he was caught in a blast of gamma radiation.  This exposure released from within him a grey “hulk” of a man every night.  That is, until Marvel writers decided to step away from the werewolf-Hulk and focus on creating the needlessly-violent Hulk whom we all know and love.
But the Marvel universe couldn’t just sit back and torture poor Bruce, an already exceptionally reserved and previously abused genius.  The Marvel universe takes care of its own (sometimes).  According to some digging, in issue #337 of The Incredible Hulk, Bruce undergoes hypnosis, during which it can be effectively determined that he suffers from the mental disorder known as Dissociative Identity Disorder.  What proof of this is there? Well, it would seem that there are at least three “Hulks” residing in poor Bruce’s mind: the aggressive-but-simple Green Hulk, the Mr. Fixit Gray Hulk, and the sadistic Guilt Hulk, who emerges in response to Bruce confronting the abuse he suffered from his father.
Multiple Personality Disorder is one of the more controversial mental disorders in the medical world because of its difficulty to effectively diagnose.  However, the textbook definition of the disorder reflects many symptoms that Bruce suffers from, wherein two or more distinct personalities recurrently take control of an individual’s behavior.  MPD also has a high co-morbidity rate, meaning that it frequently will not be the only disorder that the individual suffers from.  It also is a disorder that can be confused or mistaken for other more common disorders, such as schizophrenia, somatization, and borderline personality disorder to name a few.
The good news is after Marvel makes Bruce confront his psychological demons, he sort of gets better.  After this session, there is only Bruce and a newly created Hulk called the Professor.  This last Hulk is said to be a combination of the Green and Gray Hulks, as well as Bruce, and is referred to as the “merged” Hulk.  While Bruce may not be cured, at least there’s a little more space in his psyche now.

7.  Glen Quagmire

It’s funny that I’m writing this after finishing a Family Guy episode in which Quagmire sets his sexual appetites on Meg, the daughter of Quagmire’s next-door neighbor, and best friend, on her 18th birthday.  Quagmire is responsible for the majority of the crude and perverse sexual jokes on the show, and is honestly one of my favorite characters because of that.  In many of his cutaway scenes, he can be seen in his trademark animal print undies, about to do the wild thing with some unorthodox twist to it.  For Quagmire, his standards for his sexual partners are high (most of the time), as is his success rate.
Before people go off the deep end trying to brag about having this or claiming that their significant other “suffers” from this, let me just say: THIS DOES NOT EXIST.  At least, not to the American Psychological Association.  While this disorder was listed in the DSM-IV, it will not appear in the DSM-V, scheduled to make its appearance in 2013.  However, both the American Society of Addiction Medicine and the World Health Organization recognize the term “sexual addiction,” the WHO going so far as to recognize the terms “satyriasis” and “nymphomania”.  The APA claims that if this disorder must exist, it does so under the term “hypersexuality“, which exists as a symptom of various manic disorders.

6.  Calvin

I like to think that when Bill Watterson created Calvin, and his partner-in-crime Hobbes, he was blissfully unaware of what kind of mental disorder he was giving this child.  Calvin’s relationship with his stuffed tiger has been endearing and somewhat concerning for years.  While many parents would brush this off as just a child having an imaginary friend, there seems to be something off about this fantasy.  I know I had imaginary friends when I was six, and even a little beyond, but never to this extent.  His stuffed tiger helps him with his science experiments (like the Transmogrifier), participates in philosophical discussions, and even has a crush on the girl next door.  While we all hope that this is just a harmless childhood phase, a look into Calvin’s still-developing psyche may reveal something more sinister: schizophrenia.
While schizophrenia is commonly confused with Dissociative Identity Disorder, they are radically different.  Schizophrenia does not involve multiple consciousnesses; just one who has split their minds from reality.  People suffering from schizophrenia have complex and realistic visual and auditory hallucinations, are often paranoid, and have significant social dysfunctions.  Sound like a certain elementary schooler to you?
While it may sound not so bad to be stuck in a fantasy world for the rest of your life, poor Calvin doesn’t have much of a life to have.  The worst part of this disorder is that the average life expectancy of those who have this disorder is shorter on average by 15 years than those without the disorder.  One reason?  A higher suicide rate.

5.  Eeyore

One of the classic characters from A.A. Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh, Eeyore is in a class unto himself.  While many children’s books and shows try to keep the themes upbeat, and sometimes ridiculously positive, Eeyore is a blast of cold hard pessimism that is likely to shake any child out of their warm and fuzzy attitude.
At least, that’s one way it could work.  For me, it made him endearing and pitiable.  I wanted to hug Eeyore, help him rebuild his house, find his tail, and get him a lovely red balloon for his birthday to cheer him up.  However, despite my hypothetical best efforts, if I had ever had the opportunity, I probably would have failed.  Eeyore was made to be a depressed character, for whatever reason, but Milne’s imagination went far beyond depression when he was writing out his timeless tales.  Unbeknownst to himself, Milne was giving Eeyore a mental disorder far beyond the normal scope of depression, a disorder called dysthymia.
Dysthymia is not depression, first of all.  In fact, a person can suffer from both depression and dysthymia because of something called “double depression.”  However, the defining difference between the two conditions is the nature of the symptoms: dysthymia is a chronic disorder (lasting at least 2 years), while depression episodes can last as short as a couple of weeks.
Other than the length of the episodes, dysthymia does reflect many symptoms of depression, such as decreased appetite, energy levels, self-esteem, and is unsuccessful with decision making.  How many times has Eeyore been noted to say something that dismisses his thoughts or feelings?  Not only does this demean himself, but also gives him an exit from ever having to make a decision by persuading others that their choices will be better.  Like those with dysthymia, Eeyore seems to have always been depressed, and rarely deviates from his moody persona except to give a small fleeting smile.  Fortunately for Eeyore though, this disorder is less intense than depression, and can be successfully treated with therapy and/or medication.

4.  SpongeBob

What was originally a goofy idea in a Hawaiian t-shirt, and one of Nickelodeon’s low-budget filler cartoons, has become an international ultra-sensation.  Sometimes he’s an adult, sometimes he’s a child, and sometimes he’s just a bubble-blowing, fry-cooking fiend.  Always though, he is hyperactive, emotionally intense, socially awkward, and everyone’s best friend the moment he meets them.
Sounds like someone you call to a party to keep the conversation flowing, right?  Wrong.  Sounds like someone with Williams-Beuren Syndrome, hereafter known as WBS.  People who exhibit the symptoms of this genetic disorder are often unusually cheery and outgoing in their personalities.  I’ve seen a PBS segment on children and adolescents with this disorder, and they are beside themselves with joy to meet and hug anyone within reach.  It’s incredibly sweet to watch.  Whether it’s because of their winning personalities that captivate you so quickly, or you’re so enchanted by their elf-like facial features, you want to hug them back as well.  However, while this makes for a very merry person, it also brings with it mental disabilities, heart murmurs, and low muscle tone (watch the episode “Musclebob Buffpants”, to see how low Spongebob’s muscle tone is), in addition to the stereotypical poor behavior timing.  However, I still can’t explain how Spongebob goes from being a functioning adult with silly tendencies to a downright dunce, though.

3.  Pepe LePew

Now originally, this would have been Bugs Bunny’s spot on the list, but after further review, he’s seems to be a very well-adjusted and confident individual whose only vice is a love for carrots.  I looked it up, and cross-dressing (wearing another gender’s clothes without sexual or erotic gratification) is not listed as a mental disorder.  Fear not, for I proceeded to comb through various characters before landing on “the locksmith of love,” Pepe LePew.
What disorder could this cartoon Casanova have?  After all, he is confident, suave, and is constantly looking to please his perceived “le belle femme skunk fatale.”  There isn’t anything wrong with this, is there?  In Pepe’s case, there is.  This poignant polecat could be diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).  What behaviors he exhibits that are comical to the viewer, are unhealthy and insensitive to others.
Someone can exhibit NPD in multiple ways, as there is more than one way to make the world revolve around yourself.  Pepe’s NPD stems from his belief in ideal love, and that he is the ideal lover.  Pepe’s behavior towards his unfortunate amour, Penelope, shows a lack of empathy, as well as an inability to believe that she really does not want to be with him, that comes from his perceived entitlement to her.  He shows arrogant behavior (claiming that he is too attractive) and requires an unrealistic amount of affection (from a stranger!) in order to be happy.
On one occasion, Pepe pulls out a gun and walks off-camera when Penelope refuses to come out from a glass case where she is hiding from him.  There is the bang of a gun shot, and the poor cat rushes out, and into Pepe’s devious arms as he exploits her concern for his safety.  Don’t believe me?  Then head over to Google and search “For Scent-imental Reasons.”

2.  Homer Simpson

Over the years as television’s most well known animated husband, dad, and drunk, Homer probably could have his own top ten list of mental disorders, but that’s not why we’re here.  We’re here to focus on one in particular.  Someone else can write that other list.
I’m sure you all remember that Homer has been a twice-animated dad: once in the real world, and once within his two-dimensional world.  For those of you who have no idea what I’m referring to, I am talking about Bart’s hand-drawn cartoon series, Angry Dad.  Now why on Earth would Bart create a comic about his dad in which Homer becomes irrationally angry, to the point of exploding his head?  One possibility is that Homer suffers from an impulse disorder called Intermittent Explosive Disorder.
Now before there is a whole host of comments saying that I picked the wrong thing, I picked this disorder because I wanted something a little different.  As the series has progressed, so has Homer, albeit pretty backwards.  I know Homer is supposed to be clueless, but it’s gotten ridiculous over the years.  His explosive anger though has always been there since the first time Homer strangled Bart.
Intermittent explosive anger is more than just an angry outburst.  Everyone has those.  What makes this a disorder is when there is serious damage done to the self, others, or property due to an exceedingly aggressive reaction to an event.  While Bart can be a total pain, and really does go out of his way to tick his dad off, strangling shouldn’t be an option.  For those of you pointing out that Homer’s anger comes from his drinking, I’d have to say that the majority of the time when he’s boiling over, he’s (comparatively) sober.
Homer’s diagnosis would be made once all other options have been ruled out, such as borderline personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder, as well as substance abuse.  Again, while he does abuse alcohol, he normally doesn’t become an “angry drunk.”  Besides, if you look at how impulsive he is in the first place, it isn’t surprising that he suffers from an impulse disorder.

1.  Dora

Dora seems like a child with a healthy personality, right?  She seems to have a good relationship with her parents and her extended family, is social with many animals and other people, and has an expansive thirst for adventure.  It seems like she’s living the dream of every preschooler.  She is able to wander off and around her world until she finds an adventure, without having to worry about anything beyond a pesky-but-harmless kleptomaniacal fox.
Her healthy sense of adventure though, may be indicative of something more problematic to say the least.  Her willingness to wander off, as well as her inability to recall previous travels, are both symptoms of a disorder called Fugue State.
Fugue State is a disorder of reversible amnesia.  This means that when someone suffering from this rare disorder, they will temporarily forget memories or their own personality for a period of time, but will eventually recover with all previous memories whole.  However, memories from the fugue attack do not usually remain.
Sounds a bit like a soap opera or brain slug attack.  However, how this applies to Dora is by her incessant wanderings.  These episodes often result in unplanned trips, none of which are remembered later on.  You think that, with all of these adventures she has, Dora might not have to consult the map as often as she does.  If she’s forgetting these episodes though, it makes more sense.

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Enjoy Bali anda I hope planning trips to indonesia will much easier.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Le Mayeur museum

Sanur beach ever introduced by a stranger, especially by an artist named AJ Le Mayeur. To commemorate him, his home into a museum, named Museum Le Mayeur. The building was very impressed with the style of traditional Balinese architecture. Of foundations made of coral stone, building poles and windows filled with engravings. Le Mayeur derived from the name of a painter and also the Belgian nobility; Adrien Jean Le Mayeur de Merpres. Le Mayeur de Merpres first came to Bali in 1932.

Le Mayeur museum in the arean there are three main rooms, the building consists of a living room decorated by paintings, desks and furniture, carved antique furniture. Family room, full of small paintings of European style. The main room is a painting studio where Le Mayeur. The most extensive, and filled with large paintings. Le Mayeur very interested in Balinese culture, and married a Balinese dancer who later became the main object of his paintings, which meets this space. In this area also stand strong frangipani trees hundreds of years old make the page look beautiful. In 1957, the Bahder Djohan, who was then Minister of Education and Culture, Teaching, menggagaskan to change this residence into a museum, to preserve the artwork Le Mayeur. GST. Putu Virata, Coordinator of Museum Le Mayeur Sanur: "The main object is handed over to the government, in addition to paintings, including buildings, as well as everyday equipment that has been used by Le Mayeur.''
Le Mayeur died in 1958 at the age of 78 years, because of ear cancer, and was buried in Brussels. There are two additional buildings after the departure of Le Mayeur Bengong Bale and Bale Pecanangan. Due to its strategic location, so that many foreign and local tourists visit this place.


Trio Macan Goyang 20 Ribu "Goweser" Sepeda santai HUT Bhayangkara ke-66 di Bali tak kalah meriah dengan di daerah lain. Sekitar 20 ribu peserta sepeda santai datang dari seluruh wilayah di Bali untuk ambil bagian dalam even tahunan ini.
Bertempat di Lapangan Puputan Renon, Denpasar, sejak subuh peserta sepeda santai sudah memadati sudut-sudut lapangan. Setelah menunggu cukup lama, sepeda santai akhirnya dimulai pukul 07.00 WITA. Rute yang harus ditempuh peserta adalah Jalan Niti Mandala Renon-Jalan Diponegoro-Jalan Hasanudin-Jalan Thamrin-Jalan Gajahmada-Jalan Veteran-Jalan WR Supratman-By Pass Ngurah Rai- Jalan Hang Tuah dan finish di Lapangan Renon.
Setelah lelah mengayuh sepeda, peserta dipicu kembali adrenalinnya saat Trio macan tampil di Panggung perayaan HUT Bhayangkara ke-66. Ribuan peserta pun tak mempedulikan teriknya matahari untuk memenuhi lapangan di depan panggung.
Melihat antusiasme warga, Trio macan dan Olga Syahputra sebagai pengisi acara pun tampil "all out" dengan goyangan-goyangan atraktif khas mereka. Lagu Iwak Peyek yang menjadi andalan Trio Macan berhasil menggoyang warga Bali yang memadati seluruh sisi panggung.
Dalam sepeda santai ini juga dibagikan door prize utama sebuah mobil Daihatsu Grand Max. Peserta yang beruntung mendapatkan mobil tersebut adalah seorang anggota Sabhara Polda Bali bernama Gede Dharma Putra.
"Saya senang sekali karena saya belum punya mobil," ujar Dharma Putra usai menerima kunci mobil secara simbolis dari Kapolda Bali Irjen Pol Budi Gunawan.
